One Wall of Me
I have been working with Kasia Witek this past January and in February we had our first performance showing at Siobhan Davies Studio followed by feedback from the audience members which took us into some fascinating places. It has been such a pleasure working with Kasia who has been sharing with us her knowledge of Debora Hay practice to tackle the giant themes of ways of seeing, and the environment and how we relate to it. With One Wall of Me, Kasia is looking at environmental empathy and the need for revolution in how we see and understand our world and the ways we are connected to it. These are things which are very close to my heart so it been amazing and moving to be debating and working with all these ideas. We performed the piece at a preview show at the beautiful restored church - the Interplay Theatre - in Leeds in May when we were also able to initiate a flashmob for Greenpeace in the city centre.