Well Lit at Resolution

This February Daniel Jeremiah Persson and I premiered our piece Well Lit at The Place as part of Resolution18. We shared the night with two other performers/makers Shannelle Fergus and Lanre Malaolu, a great bit of programming from The Place as all three pieces took a political and self reflective stance. Shannelle's moving piece performed to the voice of her mother talking about the gentrification of Brixton and Lanre, through brilliant physical language, highlighted the issue of everyday racism.
Daniel and I first met in 2011 at London Contemporary Dance School and, because of this longstanding friendship and mutual trust, this duet has allowed us both to take risks and work in a very different way to our usual choreographic practices. Well Lit has become, over the rehearsal time, a piece which is very much about gender and identity, issues that preoccupy both Daniel and I. With this personal approach we hope to allow the audience into a more private space, giving them the opportunity to observe and read things in a new way. The process was enriched by the input of designers Kit Hinchcliffe and Leonie Tschapalda who were able to unpick our cocktail of references and make the piece hang together. We have been delighted with the response we have had and are now busy planning the next steps for the piece.
Image Jack Williams (IG jacklewiswilliams)