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Post B I N A R Y

Thank you for your feedback

I was so thrilled to finally pick up feedback people had written in response to Binary. Some wonderful thoughts to read and reflect on.

Here are a few of the comments we received.

‘I like coming to Resolution and not knowing quite what will happen.

This was so humorous, hadn't expected that.'

'Really enjoyed. I also loved the sound design. Thank you.’

‘I thought Binary was a very thoughtful piece. Charting the grayness of either/or!’

‘Well done Anders Duckworth. What a beautiful piece! I am looking forward to seeing more!!!’

I would still love to hear your ideas about Binary, as we will be working on and developing the piece. So, be it a lasting image or what it made you think (or not think) about, I would be grateful for any thoughts. Write a comment below or send a private message to

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