Happy Anniversary Projected
A year ago today we premiered Projected at the Robin Howard Dance Theatre. A journey which has both fed into and inspired my interest in film (particularly the celluloid image) and the offfered the chance to work closely with design.
Projected has been the starting point for a new area of exploration, since the piece was first performed I have begun a collaboration with Rowan de Freitas, a fine artist with a passion for residual media, and, with the support of Choreodrome and Touchwood, we were able to research and develop a new piece Absent Impressions, which is stil evolving. I am lucky to have been able to work with performers Jenna Broas and Eleni Papaioannou who have contributed so much to the piece as did Chris Edwards cinematic sound score and Seth Rook-Williams.
We were thrilled when Projected was invited back to the RHDT in November to open the Currency 2015 season.